
November 27, 2010

Love Light - CN.BLUE

 because of WGM i loved this song..
check the lyrics under the cut

these days....

akhir akhir ini masalah dateng terus ... ga ada berhentinya...
tapi yah namanya hidup masa iya ga ada masalah...
sekarang lagi nyoba nyelesein satu-satu.. Bismillah semoga berhasil..

November 24, 2010

I have nobody to depend on right now

haha... it seems that the title says everything....
maybe not... i don't know ...
these days i feel so hard to live..
problems keep getting on my way and prevent me to do what i really want to.
people keep putting negative impressions on me when they don't really know anything about me.
if they keep on to be like that, i can't help but to think about it and forgetting the other things which is maybe more important than this.
maybe this is just a simple problem, but it getting bigger because it's not done yet.
it drives me insane.

my body seemed not to work.. i barely feel anything.. just because something like this..

these days i keep saying nonsenses..
my thoughts keep going everywhere when my body is just staying in one place.
i can't focus on one thing..

i don't want to go back to the time where loneliness surrounding around me.

November 21, 2010


Ah~ I haven't post anything here lately...
Even my posting is not really interesting to read but i think this is what i really can do to keep my memories in my life... so when i grown-up, i can go back to the time where i want to .. haha...
ugh, what am i talking about =____=a

So F.CUZ makes their comeback with "MIDNIGHT SUN"...
But i didn't watch their performance in music bank on Friday. Since i was busy at school ..
There was an event in UNJ(Universitas Negeri Jakarta).. It's japanese festival which i forgot the name, and my "family"(?) went there when i can't.. because my mom didn't allowed me to go.. I felt really upset with myself since i can't help them a lot and i think i'm getting didn't care about them and then i can't go even just for support them....I think i really am useless... and stupid...and can't take any responsibilities for everything....why i keep talking about this nonsense anyway????

I don't know what to do since i'm getting so far away from them.. .i can't be there when they need me,,, will they by my side when i need them?  i don't think so.. i must prepare myself for that time.. the time when i need them the most but maybe they won't be there..
sigh i think that's all what i want to say for now... bye bye~

November 09, 2010

Fanart Key

Jadi hari ini saat pelajaran seni, pak eko gamasuk.
Jadi kita disuruh gambar bebas. Jadinya karena bosan aku menggambar Key :D
Berdasarkan dua gambar dia yg asli dan dijadiin 1, jadilah Key <3
Ga begitu bagus sih, tapi lumayan lah. Ya kan? Ufufu

November 07, 2010

Kerudung Bertopeng

buset dah..emang gw pahlawan bertopeng apa? Ck.. ngatain seenaknya. nyebelin tau ga?!

*maaf ya ga jelas =___="

November 02, 2010

Rainbow oh Rainbow

what a beautiful rainbow XD
jarang-jarang nemu yang beginian di jakarta.. entah, mungkin udah berapa tahun terakhir gapernah liat pelangi :)
akhirnya ada juga :D